Check out this recent exciting news for FMS + GEAR UP! Stay tuned for more events this spring!
Laconia Daily Sun article - GearUp hosts 5K to promote career options in Franklin
A 5K hosted by GearUp New Hampshire was held at Franklin Middle School on Saturday morning. GearUp is a seven-year federally funded grant that aims to get students interested in post-secondary pathways. This includes college, technical schools, the military, or employment directly out of high school. The 5K is part of GearUp's community engagement initiative. GearUp uses a cohort model that follows students from sixth grade through graduation, including providing post-graduation advice and scholarships. By assisting the same cohort of students, outcomes are measured, including increased high school graduation rates, increasing completions of Algebra I, and completion of the federal student aid application. A career navigator works with students, supporting the work of school guidance counselors. Franklin is one of 15 schools in the state to receive the grant, chosen based on the student population receiving free or reduced lunch at 50% or higher.