Career Exploration
General Description
Career Exploration is an opportunity for a student to investigate a specific occupation or career path. This learning experience requires the student to conduct independent research, informational interviews with professionals, and job shadowing at the place of business.
Once you've filled out the ELO Request Form and have been approved for a Career Exploration, you will need to do the following:
Planning your Career Exploration ELO:
Meet with the Guidance Counselor to determine what career you will research.
Fill out the ELO Planning Form: Career Exploration and have it signed and return it to the Guidance Office.
Develop a plan of:
Researching the career field
Job Shadows
Informational Interviews
Final Product
This ELO project requires a Community Partner and this person will supervise and guide the student with off-site experiences related to the learning about the career.
Fill out the Community Partner Agreement Form and get it signed by a Parent/Guardian.
This project will require you to visit a place of business off campus and you will need the Off Campus Permission Form signed and returned to the Guidance office.
Doing your Research
During your Career Exploration you will be researching the career field of your choice. Research career details and pathways online through approved websites. It will be helpful to use the Research Rubric and the Research Guide.
Visit the place of business to conduct at least one "Job Shadow" and Informational Interview with professionals in your chosen career field.
Assessment and Grading
Develop a final project of the research and experiences. For more information, see the Project Rubric and the Project Guide.
Develop a presentation to share the research and experiences with others. Use the Presentation Guide and Presentation Rubric help develop the presentation. Be sure to reference your research in your presentation and product.
The Assessment of the final product will determine the ELO grade. Evaluation will be done with the Research, Project and Presentation Rubrics and documented on the Final Assessment form.
The Assessment Form will be used to document the grade that will be entered on the student's transcript. Request a copy of the transcript for your records.