ATTENTION SENIORS GOING TO COLLEGE FOR FALL 2021! Please see the attached Flier for our Paying for College Presentation with NHHEAF. For all seniors attending college in the fall, this presentation is for you! Please bring your financial award packages as we will discuss the components of the financial aid award packages and walk you through how to analyze what you were offered. If you do not have an award letter yet, we will provide one for you to use. All attendees will receive funding options handouts. If interested please use the link below to register for the event on April 13th at 6:00pm via Zoom.,1,auTW-LD_WRB0UPBJLTr7_8he_oh9ECcgZNh30rD3yaDwLLb42mYjzhoxuyxJ-3adBQneXT8m8p3NfZMvfDytnfk0C86noh6H8yAlY_CzE5QXo-kWAfFb0pE,&typo=1
almost 4 years ago, Franklin High School
College Planning
Good Evening Franklin Families, I am reaching out to inform you that a student at Franklin High School tested positive for Covid 19 today. Contact tracing and notifications will be completed this evening and we will be open for Cohort B students tomorrow morning. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo SAU 18 Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Morning Franklin Families, I am writing to you today to update you on our staff vaccination efforts. We have scheduled 2nd dose vaccinations for our staff on Tuesday, April 6th and Tuesday, April 13. We will have 60 plus staff members receiving vaccinations on each of these days. Several districts have run into issues with staff calling out sick the day after the administration of the second dose due to experiencing symptoms. This has led to either last minute closure of the schools or pivoting to remote status in the early morning hour before school starts. In order to avoid the confusion of this scenario, I am notifying you in advance that we will be fully remote at all 3 schools on Wednesday, April 7th and Wednesday, April 14th. The days will run similar to our remote Mondays with as many as our staff as possible providing on-line instruction. Staff that are unable to provide on-line instruction due to illness will provide assignments to students for the day. I wanted to give you advance notice of this so you could make the necessary arrangements for your students on those days. I appreciate your understanding as we work to complete the vaccination of our staff members. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Afternoon Franklin Families, We have completed all contact tracing and notifications from our last positive case at Franklin High School. After consultation with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Department of Education (DOE) , we are all set to open Franklin High School tomorrow morning for Cohort A students. I appreciate your patience and support as we worked through this process and look forward to the students returning to the high school tomorrow morning. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo SAU 18 Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Dear Parents and Guardians, If you already answered this survey you do not need to do it again. We are asking for your help in executing our intended plan to open school to all students following our April vacation. The two options beginning May 4th are: Physically attending school four days a week (with Mondays a remote day for all) Or attending FHS as a full time remote learner five days a week. We are asking you to complete this google form below to inform us of your choice: Any parent who does not respond to this inquiry by Tuesday, March 30th will receive a phone call confirming your choice. Additionally, we also need to know if your child will need bus transportation to/from school? -Please feel free to call us at 934-5441 ex 3428 with any questions.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Charette
Good Morning Franklin Families, I am reaching out to you to let you know that we had 2 positive staff cases and 1 positive student case at Franklin High School over the weekend. We continue to contact trace and make notifications. In the contact tracing process this weekend, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has identified a "cluster" at Franklin High School. A cluster is defined as 3 or more cases connected to the school setting. In our case, they have identified 3 of our cases to be connected to the school setting. In consultation with DHHS and the Department of Education we will be going fully remote on Tuesday at Franklin High School so we can be thorough and complete the contact tracing on these cases. I will continue to monitor the situation in conjunction with DHHS and the Department of Education and let you know tomorrow afternoon where we are for Wednesday at the high school. Please remember to be vigilant in our mitigation strategies, social distancing, wearing of masks, and frequent handwashing. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo SAU 18 Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Dear Franklin Families, I am reaching out to let you know that contact tracing and notifications have been completed from our cases at Franklin High School including the student case from today. I hope this brings you a bit of comfort heading into the weekend. I will continue to keep you updated as we head into next week. I hope you have a safe and healthy weekend. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo SAU 18 Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Afternoon Franklin Families, I am reaching out to inform you we have had a Franklin High School student test positive today for Covid-19. We are initiating our contact tracing and notification protocols. We continue to communicate with Public Health regarding our recent cases and I will let you know if they make any recommendations to us regarding school at the high school next week. As you know, we are already remote on Monday in the district. I will update you when the contact tracing is completed and I have more information from Public Health. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo SAU 18 Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
3/25/21 Good evening Franklin Families, I have just been informed of a second staff member at Franklin High School that has tested positive this evening. We are initiating contact tracing. We will be working in consultation with Public Health over the next several days to determine what next steps we will need to take regarding our 4 positive cases today at the high school. I will update you as soon as I have more information. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo SAU 18 Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Dear Franklin Families, I am reaching out to inform you that we have had 3 positive cases of Covid-19 reported today at Franklin High School, 2 students and 1 staff member. Out of an abundance of caution, we will be going fully remote at the high school tomorrow. All after school and weekend activities involving high school students are canceled. I will reach out to you on Monday afternoon to let you know our status for Tuesday. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo SAU 18 Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Dear FHS Families, We are asking for your help in executing our intended plan to open school to all students following our April vacation, beginning May 4th. We are asking you to complete this google form below to inform us of your choice for your child: Please respond by Monday, March 30th. Please see my email sent to you through Alma with more information.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Charette
Important Reminder for Parents, Guardians, and Students, Juniors who are testing tomorrow, please remember to bring your fully charged Chromebook and charger to school in the morning. All others, please remember that tomorrow there will be no non-testing students allowed on campus. Which means the library will not be open for remote learners and HUOT will also be remote tomorrow. Students will not have FHS Zooms to attend, but rather work that must completed tomorrow to count for daily attendance.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Charette
Dear Franklin Families, I am reaching out to inform you that we have a student at Franklin Middle School that has tested positive today for COVID-19. Contact tracing has been initiated and will be completed this afternoon. The middle school is all set to stay open for in-person learning tomorrow for Cohort B students. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo SAU 18 Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Congratulations to JAKOB BEAUPRE who was selected to represent the West squad in this summer’s CHaD East-West NH All-Star football game.
almost 4 years ago, Dan Sylvester - Athletic Director
Live Theater This Weekend!! A number of high school students, as well as some staff, will be performing this weekend in Franklin Footlight Community Theatre's production of The Good Doctor!! This is an amazing opportunity for our community and a chance for our students to work with many experienced adults from around the Lakes Region! Shows run Thursday, Friday and Saturday night at 7:30 pm and Sunday at 2 pm (March 18-21). Tickets are available online at!
almost 4 years ago, Jule Finley
DESTINATION COLLEGE is THIS SATURDAY, March 20, 2021 WHO: All NH high school juniors and their parents/guardians are invited to participate. The event is FREE, but registration is required. Join from your living room couch! Over 100 colleges will be participating! WHEN: Saturday, March 20, 2021 from 9AM – 1:15PM HOW: Register online before 9PM on Friday, March 19th. Registration
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Charette
Attention Seniors, Parents and Guardians, Please check your Email for a message from Alma about Lakes Region Community College's Instant Admission Day, tomorrow. This event will take place on campus in the adult education room and online tomorrow, March, 12th from 9-11am. Please take part in this wonderful opportunity!
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Charette
Dear Franklin Families, I am reaching out to let you know that we have had no other reported COVID-19 cases and are all set to reopen the elementary school tomorrow with in-person learning for Cohort B students. I appreciate your patience and support during our 2 day transition to remote learning. I will continue to keep you updated on any reported cases. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo SAU 18 Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Afternoon Franklin Families, We have had a second staff member test positive today at the elementary school related to the positive staff member case I reported to you on Saturday. We have had to quarantine 17 students and 7 staff members due to these two cases. After consulting with Public Health, we are going to go fully remote at the elementary school for Tuesday and Wednesday and then reassess our situation. I will reach out to you on Wednesday afternoon to let you know the status of the school for the remainder of the week. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo SAU 18 Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Parents, Guardians, and Students, Just a reminder to please view the following YouTube video which outlines the proposed 2021-2022 high school schedule and then provide feedback on the Google Form that was sent to your email associated with Alma. We are excited to present this new schedule to increase student success. To clarify, we are seeking your feedback about the proposed schedule, not school start and end times. YouTube Video: The last informational Zoom Meetings with Administration to answer questions will be today, March 8th, 3:00pm - 4:00pm. Please check your email for meeting links and the Google Form.
almost 4 years ago, Carrie Charette