Dear Franklin Families, A reminder that our mobile app is expanding to include class announcements, class streams, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app starting on May 1st. Download for Android Download for iPhone
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Dear Franklin Families, A reminder that our mobile app is expanding to include class announcements, class streams, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app starting on May 1st. Download for Android Download for iPhone
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Dear Franklin Families, At the School Board meeting last night, the School Board approved my recommendation to set the last day of school for students as Thursday, June 22nd. This will be a 1/2 day of school for students. The Board also approved my recommendation to implement a new master schedule for the high school next year. We will be sending out information about the new schedule today to our families. Additionally, we will be hosting an information session on the new schedule for students and parents on Thursday, May 4th at 6:00 in the high school cafeteria. A reminder that we are having Career Day today at the high school and we will be having a Black Hawk helicopter landing in our field as part of the activities for the day. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dan LeGallo SAU 18 Superintendent
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Hello Everyone! This is just a heads up to let you know that as a part of our Career Day tomorrow (April 18th) the NH National Guard will be landing a Blackhawk Helicopter on the field behind the high school. It is scheduled to be here between 12:00 - 1:00 PM. David Levesque, Principal
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
We are excited to open up Franklin High School to the community to showcase our learning in the 2022-2023 school year. Come hear from students, educators and some of our education partners about what they’ve learned this year!
almost 2 years ago, David Levesque
Good Afternoon FHS Families: Due to a medical emergency at FHS, the school was put into "Secure Campus" to support First Responders ability to support, assess and treat the person in need. Thank you for your patience and support.
almost 2 years ago, David Levesque
Good Morning – This is a message from the Superintendents office at S.A.U. 18. There will be a 2 hour delay today in Franklin. This means school arrival and start times will be 2 hours later than usual, and the bus arrival times will be two hours later than usual. Please Note - Breakfast will not be served.
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Evening Franklin Families - There will be no school in Franklin Tomorrow, Tuesday March 14. District and School Offices will also be closed.
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Afternoon Franklin Families, At 10:30 am this morning, students at the Franklin Middle School made the building administration aware of a threat written on a bathroom wall in the school. Police were called on site immediately and the building was put into a "clear hallway" so that the building could be thoroughly searched by the Police Department. During that time, academic activity continued, but students remained in their classrooms. The search was conducted and the building was cleared at 1:45 pm so that students could resume their end of the day activities. Numerous interviews were held and the person responsible was identified. We would like to thank the Franklin Police Department, Middle School Staff, and the Students for their cooperation during this incident. Please help us by reminding your children that if they see something or hear something that isn't safe, that they say something to a trusted adult. By working together we can continue to keep our schools safe. Sincerely, Jule Finley, Office of the Superintendent SAU 18 - Franklin School District (603) 266-9833
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU#18
Good Morning Franklin Families, I hope you are enjoying the snow day today.  I am reaching out to you to discuss an article about Franklin in the Concord Monitor this morning that some of you may have seen.  On Monday, the School Board passed a resolution urging lawmakers to address the well documented unfair funding formula in the state of New Hampshire that has hurt districts like Franklin for decades.  The article is accurate regarding the resolution but the picture and caption accompanying the article are old and reflect a situation in the past.  We are not facing any layoffs this year and I expect the Board to pass the budget at their meeting on March 20th. It is difficult to predict the future in regards to funding but we know that our ESSER funds will expire in September of 2024, however we are seeing some encouraging signs from the Governor regarding funding changes in the next biennium. I hope this clarifies our situation for you as we continue through the budget process for this year.  Please reach out to me if you have any questions. Sincerely,  Dan LeGallo  SAU 18 Superintendent  (603) 266-9833
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Evening – This is a message from the Superintendents Office at S.A.U. 18. There will be no school in Franklin Tomorrow. District and School Offices will also be closed. Stay Safe!
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Open auditions today for The Wizard of Oz!! K-3 students are 1 pm- 2 pm. 4-6 grade is 2:15- 3:15 pm and 7-12 from 3:30- 5:30 pm! All at the Opera House. The auditions that were canceled yesterday are rescheduled for Sat. Feb. 11. All the same times that this Sat. were supposed to be! Email with any questions!
almost 2 years ago, Jule Finley
Don't forget... SCHOOL SAFETY FORUM tonight at 6:00 at Franklin Middle School Cafeteria.
almost 2 years ago, Barbara Slayton
Parent Night for Wizard of Oz: if you came to this meeting but could not get into the building, we apologize. We don't use the city doors for theater events. We failed to realize that people might not know that. Children are welcome to audition without the Parent Information Night. All the paperwork will still be there on Saturday or Sunday during auditions!!
almost 2 years ago, Jule Finley
Good Morning – There will be a 2 hour delay today in Franklin. This means school arrival and start times will be 2 hours later than usual, and the bus arrival times will be two hours later than usual. Thank you and be safe.
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Morning, There will be no afternoon or evening activities for the Franklin School District today January 25, 2023. Thank You.
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Evening – There will be a 2 hour delay tomorrow in Franklin. This means school arrival and start times will be 2 hours later than usual, and the bus arrival times will be two hours later than usual.
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Evening Franklin Families This is a message from the Superintendents Office at S.A.U. 18. There will be no school in Franklin tomorrow January 23, 2023. District and School Offices will also be closed. Enjoy the snow day, and be safe!
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Evening Franklin Families , there will be no school in Franklin tomorrow, Monday January 23, 2023. District and School Offices will also be closed. Enjoy the snow day, and be safe!
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18
Good Evening Franklin Families This is a message from the Superintendents Office at S.A.U. 18. There will be no school in Franklin Tomorrow. District and School Offices will also be closed. Enjoy the snow day, and be safe! Sincerely, Daniel LeGallo Superintendent, SAU 18
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Schools SAU #18