Superintendent's Office
Welcome to Franklin Schools SAU #18!
Daniel LeGallo - Superintendent
SAU #18
119 Central Street
Franklin, NH 03235
603-934-3108 ext. 4411
The SAU Office houses the following staff:
Superintendent of Schools: Daniel LeGallo x4411
Business Administrator: Jefferson Braman x4412
Curriculum Director: Jule Finley x4430
Coordinator of School Wellness: Barbara Slayton x4415
Special Education Director: Rebecca Butt x4431
Facilities Director: Dan Clark x4439
Administrative Assistant: Robyn Keane x4414
Administrative Assistant: Stacie Hubble x4418
Special Education Secretary: Michelle Carr x4413
Accounts Payable: Colleen Conway x4425
Payroll and Human Resources: Kim Robinson x4426
Human Rights/Non-Discrimination Officer: Kim Robinson x4426
Title IX Coordinator: Dan Sylvester, 934-5441, x3423
504 Coordinator: Barbara Slayton, 934-3108 x4415
Homeless Liaison: Rebecca Butt, x4431
Foster Care Liaison: Rebecca Butt, x4431